Grow your own home: ‘Fab tree hab’

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

Abode sprouts from a few seeds, is good for the planet

Chris Lackner

Artist’s rendition of the Fab Tree Hab, designed by engineers and architects at Massachusetts Institute for Technology Photograph by : Mitchell Joachim/Archinod Studio

Humanity can ease the burden it places on the environment by growing “living, breathing” homes, according to a team of researchers that has created the blueprint for an organic, two-storey “tree house.”

If the team of engineers and architects has its way, future habitat construction will require a green thumb and some time rather than skills with a saw or a hammer.

The Fab Tree Hab is an all-green concept home that will grow from “a few seedlings into a two-storey, water-recycling, energy-efficient abode,” according to researchers, largely from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They expect it will take a minimum of five years for one of their homes to grow, depending on the surrounding climate.

“The intention is to create a home that is a positive contributor to the climate as opposed to something that’s taking away,” said architect Mitchell Joachim, who helped craft the concept as an MIT doctoral student.

“Not only are these zero-emission homes, but they are healthy for the environment.”

Tree Habs would be powered by a combination of solar energy and wind turbines.

Instead of being just environmentally friendly, the structures would naturally blend in with surrounding ecosystems, he said.

The group is currently working with Plantware, an Israeli arboriculture firm, to test techniques for growing the lattice-like weave of vines and roots that would help form the walls of the homes. The design technique combines an ancient gardening technique called pleaching — the weaving together of tree branches to form living archways and lattices — with computer technology that controls the growth and shape of a tree.

Based on a computer model, wooden jigs would be placed at key portions of young saplings in order to guide the formation of the walls and roof. A dense layer of vines and other plants would be grown to reinforce the exterior, which would also feature soy-based plastic windows.

Tree Habs can be created using almost any tree in its natural habitat, and are expected to have a lifespan of approximately 100 years, said Joachim, who is also the executive director of Terreform, a non-profit group of environmentally conscious architects and urban designers.

“This marks a massive shift in building technology and architecture,” he said. “Just imagine the impact these homes could have on the planet.”

Despite the all-natural exterior, the homes are expected to look normal on the inside — the interior walls will be lined with clay and plastered to keep out the elements.

“The interior is absolutely contemporary — if you still want to live in an ultra-urban environment, you can do that,” Joachim said, noting wireless Internet and communication technology will allow Tree Habs to include modern technical luxuries.

The homes would include a roof-top water collector and recycling system that can provide water for bathing, cooking and an eco-friendly sanitary system.

But, Joachim admits his concept green home has “many kinks” to work out before becoming a part of the marketplace.

“How do you insure a tree-based home? How do you find a carpenter that is also a botanist? How will a [municipal] planning board deal with a home that’s always expanding?” he asked. “These are tough questions, but the benefit to the environment is huge.”

Joachim said he doesn’t think his homes will prove more susceptible to storms or fires.

“They’re trees; they’re fitted into the ground,” he said. “They’re meant to respond to winds as opposed to resist them . . . when it come to fire, we’re on equal footing [with normal homes]. Wood is wood.”

Entire homes could be grown on a nursery and then transplanted to nearby locations, Joachim said, adding he envisions entire, pre-planned communities being groomed for habitation.

Joachim said his group’s concepts are already being employed to build a “50 per cent” organic home in California.

He said “50 per cent” projects — which combine traditional construction and natural elements — might be a viable first step, and could include growing tree-based garages and storage facilities.

He said he hopes to see one of his full-scale green homes planted within the next few years, and is currently studying ways to improve on the initial concept.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007


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